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Laser Hair Removal

Laser Hair Remover

The Cool Glide Laser is the latest in hair removal lasers. Laser treatments could remove the hair, but it also could discolor certain types of skin. However, the Cool Glide laser works on any skin type, anywhere on the body.

Although all lasers can treat white skin with no problem, Cool Glide is the only laser hair removal system that can treat dark Hispanic, Mediterranean, Black skin without discoloring or destroying the pigment. It is called the Cool Glide because of its refrigerated tip. It enables the laser to effectively treat the follicle without generating the heat of traditional lasers. It typically takes 12 treatments to remove the hair entirely and the results are permanent.

Q: Is it permanent?

Treatment results may vary among patients. The Altus CoolGlide Laser is cleared by the FDA for Permanent Hair Reduction. The FDA defines permanent hair reduction as the long term, stable reduction in the number of hairs re-growing after a treatment regime.

Q: Will it work in dark skin?

The Altus CoolGlide Laser is FDA-approved for use in types I to VI skin, that is, from the whitest white to the darkest dark. Care is taken with the darker shades of skin, but excellent results can be obtained in black skin.

Q: What does it feel like?

The laser treatment may feel like a mild sting for a fraction of a second. It has a built-in cooling tip that not only helps to protect the skin but also helps to minimize the discomfort.

Q: How long do the treatments take?

An upper lip and chin can be done in 5 to 10 minutes. Underarms or bikini lines usually take 15 to 20 minutes. Legs and backs take longer. Very often, follow-up treatments are shorter (and less expensive) because there is much less hair to treat.

Q: How many treatments are necessary?

This is very important to understand. Hair goes through 3 stages of development. Typically in the anlagen stage, the hair will respond more effectively to treatment. At any given time, only one third of human hair is in the anagen stage. For this reason, it is necessary to treat an area at least 3 times with the treatments spaced approximately 6 weeks apart in order to see the best and longest lasting results. Darker hair will respond better, but both dark and light hair may need up to 5 treatments for maximum response and the best long-term results.

Q: Results - What can I expect?

There is often no immediate change. Your skin may get slightly red or even develop a small crust that will peel. The laser may leave small red marks on your skin. The marks clear up in a few days. The hair that has been destroyed will not start to fall out for 2-3 weeks. Many times it will get darker and thicker just before it falls out. Don't worry if you do not see an obvious change immediately after your first treatment.


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